The clients module enables you to store details about your clients all in one central location.
- Company details
- Addresses
- Personnel contact information
- Client Type
In addition, the module automatically extends the ability of other modules such as Jobs, which gives clients access to log-in and view job progress logs.
You can import your existing database from a .csv file and also export all of your clients, as well as edit, view, organise and add new clients.
When you select ‘view’, you are taken through to the Client’s profile page where you have further access to more details.
On the client profile page, basic details are displayed with a tabbed section underneath going into further, editable and viewable details such as:
- Sub-clients
- Addresses
- Contacts
- Documents
- Users
- Jobs*
- Passwords*
- Support
* Please note: Passwords, jobs and client access to glowt are additional modules. Module dependent